06/03/2020 | 00:00 | Events under the patronage of the Croatian Presidency

Advancement of Women, Advancement of the Economy. Realise your Potential!*

MFEA: Following consultations with colleagues from the Service, nobody is aware that the Human Rights Service has been involved in any of the activities mentioned further below in the previous years. However, as follow-up to the patronage of this event thus far, especially given the fact that many other Ministries and public administration bodies have been patrons, we see no obstacle for MFEA to remain the patron of this event next year as well. We consider this initiative positive and we support it just as we support any opportunity for emphasising gender equality and empowerment of women, both at the national and international level.

Organizer: Croatian Women's Network 

06/03/2020 00:00 - 07/03/2020 00:00
Event under the patronage of the Croatian Presidency
Event Category
Events under the patronage of the Croatian Presidency
Zagreb, -, Zagreb